Saturday Night Dance Party Ep 8

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Saturday Night Dance Party Ep 8 by Minnorkka Dj on Mixcloud

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Grandes números! 
smile emoticon
Big numbers!! 

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min. Listen.............................................5,459.....................................................8,858.................14,317

Minnorkka DJ Show - Most Powerfull So Far - 28-03-2015

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Minnorkka DJ Show - Most Powerfull So Far - 28-03-2015 by Minnorkka Dj on Mixcloud

Saturday Night Dance Party Ep 6 by Minnorkka DJ

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First Episode with 4 hours!!
If you're more into early dance music listen the first 2 hours.
If you're more into hardstyle listen the last 2 hours!

Saturday Night Dance Party presented by Minnorkka DJ

Saturday Night Dance Party Ep 6 by Minnorkka Dj on Mixcloud

Saturday Night Dance Party presented by Minnorkka DJ

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Saturday Night Dance Party presented by Minnorkka DJ

It's 4 hours of 90's and 00's dance music and 2h of Hardstyle presented by Minnorkka DJ!
Saturdays from 22pm to 2am in Radio Comunidade USA. (Pacific Time)

To listen in and

My Website:

And a Like, please.

The Minnorkka DJ Show presented by Minnorkka DJ - the only DJ in Portugal that constantly plays Hardstyle in radio!!!

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The Minnorkka DJ Show apresentado por Minnorkka DJ - o único DJ a passar consistentemente Hardstyle em Portugal!!!
Sábados 23h - 00h (central european time)

Aqui podem ouvir o que de melhor se faz em hardstyle e hardcore pelo mundo inserido em um set de 2h de duração.
Este é o DJ que vos embala para a night!

Para ouvir em ou

The Minnorkka DJ Show presented by Minnorkka DJ - the only DJ in Portugal that constantly plays Hardstyle in radio!!!
Saturdays 22h - 00h (central european time)
Here you can hear what is done best in hardstyle and hardcore in the world, inserted in a set of 2 hours duration.
This is the DJ that rocks you to the night!

To listen in or

My Website:

And a Like, please.

Minnorkka Dj - Botstep

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New hours for SNDP / Novo horário para o SNDP

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Oi gente, só para avisar que meu programa de rádio Saturday Night Dance Party agora terá 4H. sim, 4 HORAS !!!
Começa às 21H (horário do Pacífico), com 2h de múca de dance dos anos 80 e 90 e depois disso, 2h de hardstyle!!

Tudo isso aqui:

Vejo-vos neste sábado!

Minnorkka Dj
Hi guys, just to warn you that my radio show Saturday Night Dance Party now will have 4H. yes, 4 HOURS!!!
Starts @ 9pm (pacific time) with 2h of 80's and 90's dance tunes and after that, 2h of pure hardstyle!!

All this here :

See you this Saturday!

Minnorkka Dj

Minnorkka DJ Show Pure Hardstyle - 07-03-2015

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Minnorkka DJ Show Pure Hardstyle - 07-03-2015 by Minnorkka Dj on Mixcloud

The Minnorkka DJ Show

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!!!!!!!!!! HOJE !!!!!!!!!!

The Minnorkka DJ Show apresentado por Minnorkka DJ - o único DJ a passar consistentemente Hardstyle em Portugal!!!
Sábados 23h - 00h (central european time)

Aqui podem ouvir o que de melhor se faz em hardstyle e hardcore pelo mundo inserido em um set de 2h de duração.
Este é o DJ que vos embala para a night!

The Minnorkka DJ Show presented by Minnorkka DJ - the only DJ in Portugal that constantly plays Hardstyle in radio!!!
Saturdays 22h - 00h (central european time)
Here you can hear what is done best in hardstyle and hardcore in the world, inserted in a set of 2 hours duration. 
This is the DJ that rocks you to the night! 

Saturday Night Dance Party presented by Minnorkka DJ

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!!!!!!!!!! TODAY !!!!!!!!!! 

 Saturday Night Dance Party presented by Minnorkka DJ

It's 2 hours of 90's and 00's dance music presented by Minnorkka DJ!
Saturdays from 11pm to 1am in Radio Comunidade USA. (Pacific Time)
To listen in and